Mayfield Lighting Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.

Mayfield Lighting Pty Ltd records information on visitors to our website including; name, domain name and pages, as well as personal details provided such as e-mail addresses, registration details, and forms completed. All information is securely stored and only used for the purposes it is collected for, as well as for statistical use to improve functionality for reoccurring visitors. Personal information is not used for resale or rented to third parties, and will only be disclosed if it is legally required to do so.


Mayfield Lighting Pty Ltd undertakes all reasonable security precautions to guard information from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure. Except to extent required by law, Mayfield Lighting Pty Ltd does not accept responsibility for the unauthorised access of personal information gathered by our website.

Where purchasing online, your credit card and banking details are fully encrypted and only available to Mayfield Lighting Pty Ltd. Apart from your authorised order, we will not store you credit card details electronically or otherwise, without your express permission, in writing.